About Prague
“Prague never lets you go… this dear little mother has sharp claws.”
Franz Kafka
The capital city of the Czech Republic is poetically considered to be the heart of the European continent. Its history is deeply rooted in every building and one can feel the cultural spirit in every step. Different architectural styles have been preserved throughout the wars and years of the communist era, allowing visitors to compose their own image of Prague. With the Prague Castle, the largest castle complex in the world on one side, and the Dancing House representing contemporary architectural tendencies on the other, visitors can appreciate the centuries of history embedded in the buildings. Prague is not only a city of historical monuments, but also a city for living, where culture is an integral part of life. It has been a source of inspiration for famous Prague residents and personalities, such as Einstein, Kafka, Mozart, and van Beethoven.
Since the Velvet Revolution, Prague, the meeting point of Eastern and Western Europe, has quickly become a site to host multiple scientific conferences and cultural events. Movie makers also love coming to Prague and making it the scene of their movies, such as The Bourne Identity (2002), The Illusionist (2006), Casino Royale (2006), Mission: Impossible (1996), and Amadeus (1984).
“Prague isn’t just a city, but an entity of some kind.”
Sezin Koehler

For more information, visit following websites:
Prague Transportation
The most up-to-date information on Prague’s transportation system can be found on the official website: www.dpp.cz

Trams operate from 4:30 to 24:00, with nighttime service from 00:30 to 4:30 provided by tram numbers 90 to 99 with 30-minute intervals. The central transfer-station for night-time lines is Lazarska stop. Complete schedules are located at individual stops or online.
Buses operate similarly to trams, with night-time service provided by bus numbers 901 to 917 and 951 to 960. Bus schedules are located at individual stops or online.
When taking a taxi, make sure it is equipped with a permanently installed yellow roof lamp with the TAXI sign in black letters, and the registration number, company name and price list (including the base rate, rate per kilometer and one-minute-waiting rate) are displayed on both front doors and correspond with the prices set on the meter. Customers are recommended to order a taxi with non-stop dispatching offices where the information on fares is available in advance.
Ticket Inspection
The validity of tickets can be checked by the transit inspection of Prague public transport company at any time during travel or while in the Metro system. The ticket inspector is entitled to ask the passenger to show a valid ticket, to take away invalid tickets, and to collect a penalty (1500 CZK, if paid immediately 1000 CZK) if traveling without a valid ticket. In case of unpaid freight / luggage, the inspector collects a penalty (400 CZK, if paid immediately 200 CZK). To prove their identity, inspectors carry yellow-and-red badges. They issue receipts for the penalty amounts.
Bike Rental
Explore Prague in an exciting way connected with a healthy life style. You can enjoy either sightseeing in the city center or relaxing along the Vltava River.